Above is an extremely good friend of mine. He is the one from whom I got the July 7 phone call that God used to push me over the edge into the chaplaincy. He has been a colleague in the ministry to me for the last seven years, and he has been much more than that...he has been a good friend. God worked in His life at the same time as mine leading us into the chaplaincy. He is going reserve and is finishing his seminary right now. Behind my wife, he is my biggest confidant. I am so thankful that I had him to go through all of the Army paper work and the weight loss getting ready for MEPS. When my wife was sick to death of hearing about Army and needed a break from it, David was there. In this pic, he is taking his officer's loyalty oath. He rubs it in because he is officially in before me. I won't swear in until CHOBC. That's okay though, because there you will have to salute me !! ; )
That 2LT is one handsome man!!!! I have never met him before, but I am sure he sings like a dove and has the most incredible sense of humor...not that I would know...I'm just sayin'!!! He looks strikingly like Major Dick Winters. In fact, I think I'll ask him if he'll watch Band of Brothers with me. I wonder if he's a fan? Any contact info on this soldier would be greatly appreciated!!!
You know...you're right. He is a handsome guy. Isn't it amazing what PhotoShop can do?
(lol - just kidding)
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