Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fear This!

The last seven months have been an amazing roller coaster ride. Sometimes I sit on top of the world ready to charge Hell with a water pistol. HOOAH! Then to be perfectly honest there are waves of reality that hit that scare me just a bit...okay, a whole lot.

God drew me to a couple of verses for the times of fear. I bet they are favorites of a lot of you:
2 Timothy 1:7 - "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of love and power and discipline." - and -
1 John 4:16,18 - "God is love. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."

God assured me from these verses that any time I feel afraid the feelings did not come from Him. He gives feelings of power, love, and discipline, but He does not hand out fear. Therefore, when I feel afraid, I recognize the source of the fear, reject it, and focus on reality. What is the reality? The reality is that I am following God's leading for me, and His grace is sufficient, and His power is perfected in my weakness.

That is what God has told me about my fear.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if I could email you. I am currently finishing my MDiv and have been married 17 years and at the same church 15 years. I want to become a military chaplain but I am bouncing back and forth between the Army and the Navy. Any help or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

Derrick djahorne@cox.net

Ken said...

Thanks for commenting. Yes, I would love to serve as a sounding board as you discern God's direction for you. I will email you as soon as possible. Refer to my post for 15 Feb. for timing and scheduling issues. God bless you as you follow Him on this incredible journey.