Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Visit to the Old Homestead

I took my two little ones to go spend the day with my folks today (the oldest was in school, my wife was not feeling well, and the two little ones being home schooled are already done with school for the year because they started earlier than the public schools did). My dad is quite put out with the difference between what it looks like my basic will entail as an officer and what he had to endure.

Dad...this is all I have to say....

Na, na, na, na, na, naaaaaa

We had a great visit. I am looking forward to going back in a couple of weeks when my family is planning a get-together for me before I go

Here is another Branson memory:
We rode go-carts one day we were there. The last time we went to Branson and rode the carts, our oldest was about 10 or 11, about 5'7" and barely over 100 pounds. Now he is 15, stands 6'2", weighs only 20 pounds less than me, and has size 15 feet (yes...you read that's right...his shoe size matches his age....let's just hope that is a trend that stops). Back then, he fit quite nicely in the carts. This time, when he sat down, his knees came up to his ears. He basically looked like a circus bear that they train to ride the tricycle. His legs were up at such an angle, he said he had to drive the cart with his arm resting on his knee. If not, the wind kept blowing his shorts way up on his legs and it started to get obscene.

You know...its those situations that have a way of defining a young man's life. They will either mold character in you...or send you into a fetal position and put you in a persistent vegetative state. But then...he is a teenager...and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference! ; )

I'll let you know how it turns out.

We had a great time, and that situation provided another great laugh.


Anonymous said...

We had a great day with you and the two children yesterday. We did miss the rest of your family though. It is always nice to be able to share some time with you and our grandchildren. They are so much fun! We're looking forward to your next visit. Mom and Dad.

Anonymous said...


the mental picture i received from that post was absolutely hillarious !!!!!!

p.s. A SIZE 15 !!!!!! oh........ my........ word.