Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Falling on Victory

Today started with another road march. We marched about one mile to the confidence course. In the pictures below you can see us lining up for the march and then actually marching down the road.

We marched to the confidence course which has several different elements designed to make you confront fears. It was a lot of fun. We were scheduled to do five elements, but due to the size of our class, my team was only able to complete three and a half of them. The bummer was that the two events I really wanted to do because they were the ones that were going to challenge me the most we did not get to do. One of them was the confidence climb which is straight up and over the really tall ladder. I think I mentioned it in a previous blog.

One of the events that I did get to do was the "Slide to Victory." It is a zip line that starts on a platform about 30 feet off the ground, and then goes down rapidly to a point about 10 feet off the ground. When I was stepping off the platform, I thought I had stepped out far enough to clear it. The left foot went out...then I kicked my right foot out...but instead of zipping forward...I more or less plopped right down on the platform on my "chinch-ee-bo."
My friend, 2LT Dave, who was on the ground at the time said it made a big enough noise that everyone turned and said "Ooooooo...."
Anyway...that is how I "fell on victory."
Hey...at least I distinguished myself somehow.
Thursday we go to the gas mask chamber. I can't wait to show you the pics from that day.


Anonymous said...

Looking good, son. Mom and Dad are proud of you!!!

Donna said...

I remember what people looked like coming out of the gas mask drill. Feel free NOT to post pictures ;)

As for RHIP...the next thing you'll tell us is that they let you keep your civilian clothes for trips downtown! Seriously, I'm glad you feel that you are right where God wants you and that you're enjoying your experiences.

God Bless

Dave said...

Keep up the good work! It looks like a great time. Now, I am really looking forward to being there in January.