Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Services in the Field

For the past couple of weeks we have been going out to the field three times per week to conduct field services. We are given scenarios that describe various conditions we might encounter while deployed, and we must prepare a field worship service that will meet the needs of our soldiers.

The date of my field service does not roll around until late August, but one of my classmates asked me to help him by leading a song in his service that was this morning. Anyway...if you can imagine I am preaching instead of singing is a glimpse into what I will be doing in the not too distant future.


Anonymous said...

Wait a have a great family, you're THIN, in shape, AND you can sing too? This is just not fair! Love ya! Ging

Ken said...

Thanks sis! Love ya 2!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! We're proud of you and our prayers are always with you. Love you. Mom and Dad